Greg Shapiro Saves the Climate
In the Netherlands alone, there are solar-powered cars, wind-powered trains, garbage-powered trucks - and homes heated by cow poop (warning: contents are not vegan). Comedian Greg Shapiro shares an hour of uplifting environmental game-changers and asks "Why aren't we ALL doing this?"
Shapiro's day job is hosting events for Dutch green startups and leaders in sustainability. Greg has hosted events for: offshore wind, lab-grown meat, garbage-powered trucks, a sustainable chicken farm, the European Sleeper train, Extinction Rebellion - and even for Shell. Come hear the stories from the front lines - and behind the scenes
"Yes 90% of climate news is bad. But if you ignore the 10% that's good, you'll go 100% crazy." - Greg Shapiro
Greg Shapiro (Boom Chicago, Comedy Central, ZDF) is best-known as the voice of the 'Netherlands Second' video. Meanwhile, he has written and performed 6 solo shows including Leaving Trumpland and How to Be Orange. As author, Greg has written books such as How to Be Dutch: the Quiz and his latest The American Netherlander: 25 Years of Expat Tales. He is a proud contributor to Boom Chicago Presents the 30 Most Important Years in Dutch History.
Text & Performance: Greg Shapiro